
Professor Jens Nordfält
Jens’ focus is on strategic and tactical retail research, in particular with regards to in-store shopping behaviours, pricing, and forecasting.
Personal website:

Professor Nancy Puccinelli
Nancy explores The New Psychology of Marketing with particular emphasis on retailing. She examines the tailoring of a retail experience to the customer by considering customer affect as well as the use of colour and auditory cues.

Professor Dhruv Grewal
Dhruv’s research and teaching interests focus on direct marketing/e-business, retailing, global marketing, pricing and value-based marketing strategies
Personal website:

Dr Carl-Philip Ahlbom
Carl-Philip specialises in retailing, shopper marketing, pricing and financial literacy.

Ms Tamsin McLaren
Tamsin focuses on the evolving retail and e-tail landscape, fashion marketing and business models, and brand management.

Dr Lorna Stevens
Lorna researches marketing, media consumption, experiential consumption, gender, advertising and consumer culture.

Dr Iina Ikonen
Iina’s research focuses on consumer behaviour in the food consumption context, food and packaging labelling, and decision making.

Dr Christopher Amaral
Christopher researches consumer choice, pricing, sales incentives, marketing communication and financial services marketing using econometric modeling.

Dr Haiming Hang
Haiming researches international retailing, department stores, consumer socialisation, entrepreneurs and consumer behaviour.

Dr Timothy Hill
Tim researches social movements and activism against corporations, social media and marketing communications and retail design.

Prof Pierre McDonagh
Pierre has researched sustainable consumption & production since the early 1990’s and helps people understand what sustainable communication entails. He also writes about issues in gender equality in marketing and the benefits and challenges of critical marketing communications

Dr Varala Maraj
Varala’s research focuses on digital consumption, technology revival, materiality and consumer culture.
Personal website:

Dr Peter Nuttall
Peter researches music, marketing, ceremonial behaviour, collective decision, qualitative research and decision making.

Dr Yvetta Simonyan
Yvetta’s main research focuses on consumer decision making applied to branding and charitable giving, the effect of marketing on society, and marketing ethics.

Dr Adriana Madzharov
Adriana’s expertise is on sensory marketing. Her research examines how the consumer environment interacts with the human senses of olfaction, gustation, vision, audition, and haptics to produce biases on consumer perception and behavior.

Dr Mario Campana
Mario’s research covers three areas of consumer research: diversity & inclusion with a focus on LGBTQIA+ topics, materiality, as well as alternative economies.

Dr Diletta Acuti
Diletta researches Corporate Social Responsibility communication and sustainable consumption.

Dr Camilo Peña
Camilo researches sustainability, the role of social movements in new market development, retailing experiences, consumer behaviour, experts and influencers.